DIY Ombudsman Gives Notes Regarding Light Sanctions Case Of Forcing Hijab At SMAN 1 Banguntapan
YOGYAKARTA - The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia (ORI) Representative of DIY-Central Java gave a note regarding the imposition of light sanctions on the principal and three teachers of SMAN 1 Banguntapan, Bantul Regency, in the alleged case of being forced to wear a headscarf against a student.
The head of DIY-Central Java ORI, Budhi Masturi, when contacted in Yogyakarta, Friday, said that the light sanctions imposed by the DIY Education, Youth and Sports Office (Disdikpora) still had to be followed by the implementation of six suggestions for corrective actions.
"There are still six points of corrective action suggestions from ORI that must be carried out by the DIY Disdikpora, some of which are even very strategic to encourage religious moderation in educational services in schools. This also needs to be our focus," said Budhi as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, 19 August.
According to Budhi, the decision of Disdikpora DIY to impose sanctions on the principal and three teachers of SMAN 1 Banguntapan in accordance with the recommendations of ORI DIY, especially on points three and four of the eight suggestions for corrective action based on the results of the investigation of the case.
Regarding the qualification of the sanctions imposed, according to Budhi, it is entirely the authority of Disdikpora DIY as the superior of SMAN 1 Banguntapan.
However, he said, ORI DIY had requested that the provision of sanctions and guidance should take into account the broad impact of the policies and actions of the four ASNs.
"We did not specifically mention the qualification of the sanctions because the determination and imposition of sanctions is the authority of superiors (Disdikpora) and BKD (Regional Civil Service Agency)," he said.
The imposition of sanctions, according to him, is important to provide a deterrent effect, but still needs to be followed by system development through various policies to encourage the realization of religious moderation in schools.
"Religious moderation in schools is to prevent the exclusivity of educational services. In my opinion, this is much more important," said Budhi.
Six points of corrective action suggestions that must be carried out by the Head of Disdikpora DIY, namely first to establish communication with the Ministry of Education and Culture to observe and consider a "review" of the accreditation instrument in 2022 and Permendikbud No. 45 of 2014.
Second, initiating local level regulations governing school rules and uniforms by taking into account the values of diversity and human rights.
Third, conduct a "review" of the rules and regulations of all state high schools and state vocational schools in DIY to ensure alignment with higher regulations while still paying attention to the values of diversity and human rights.
Fourth, development of capacity and expertise for school principals, religious teachers, classroom teachers, BK teachers, and education staff for all state high schools and state vocational schools in DIY regarding moderation and religious literacy in education services.
Fifth, create a class division policy with a diversity perspective by ensuring that each "rombel" (study group) is filled with students from various ethnic backgrounds, religions and beliefs.
Sixth, providing assistance and protection to victims either alone or in collaboration with other agencies to restore their condition, ensure, and ensure the continuity of their education.
Disdikpora DIY has imposed disciplinary sanctions on the principal, two BK teachers, and the homeroom teacher of SMAN 1 Banguntapan because based on the results of the investigation it was stated that they violated Permendikbud Number 45 of 2014 concerning School Uniforms for Elementary and Secondary Education Level Students.
The principal is sanctioned with a written statement of dissatisfaction from the leadership, then a written warning is given to a BK teacher and homeroom teacher, as well as an oral warning to another BK teacher.
The Head of Disdikpora DIY Didik Wardaya emphasized that the imposition of light disciplinary sanctions according to Government Regulation Number 94 of 2021 was based on many factors that were taken into consideration in the recommendations of the BKD DIY Task Force (Satgas).
Since the sanction was imposed, the four ASNs who were previously temporarily disabled during the investigation process have now returned to active work as before.
"Of course there are many factors that the task force will consider (imposing light sanctions) and of course referring to the existing rules," said Didik.