Mukomuko Bengkulu Regent's Determination To Fight For 17 Former Corrupt Convicts To Become ASN Again

MUKOMUKO - The Regent of Mukomuko, Bengkulu, Sapuan is fighting for 17 ex-convicts of corruption cases to be reappointed as state civil servants (ASN) because they have finished serving their sentences.

"This is our obligation as the regional government to fight, why don't we do it, we can do that in other regions, but of course everything is decided by the Minister of Law and Human Rights and the Minister of Home Affairs," said Regent Mukomuko Sapuan, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 19.

Previously, 17 civil servants in the Mukomuko Regency Government were dishonorably dismissed for being involved in corruption cases from 2019 to 2020.

Sapuan said there were several considerations for the local government to fight for ex-convicts of corruption cases to be reappointed as ASN after a staff review and an Inspectorate review were carried out.

Regent Mukomuko said, apart from the dozens of former convicts in this corruption case, they have finished serving their sentences. Meanwhile, according to other considerations, the humanitarian aspect and other areas have done the same thing.

"They have finished serving their sentences, for that we ask for their status to be restored, but all of that cannot be separated from the considerations of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Minister of Law and Human Rights," he said.

However, he said, ex-convicts who are allowed to be appointed as ASN are still productive, not ex-corruption convicts who are approaching retirement age.

Head of the Mukomuko Regency Human Resources Education Personnel Agency (BKPSDM) Wawan Santoni in his statement said that as of June 2022 this area still lacks 2,554 ASN.

"Based on the analysis of ASN positions within the local government, this area still lacks ASN, as many as 2,554 people, so this area requires additional ASN including ASN who were dismissed due to corruption cases," he said.

Regarding the proposal to re-appoint dozens of ASN who were dismissed for being involved in corruption cases, he said, it was still in the submission stage to the Minister of Home Affairs and the Menkum HAM.