Orders Headquarters Officials, Regional Police Chiefs To Police Chiefs To Fight Online Gambling, National Police Chief: Who Can't Raise Your Hand?

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has stated that he will remove his members who are involved in or protect the perpetrators of criminal acts. He emphasized that the rule was also attached to his high-ranking staff.

"I do not tolerate if there are still found, I remove the official, I don't care if it's the Chief of Police, whether it's the Director, whether it's the Kapolda I removed. Likewise at Headquarters, please pay attention, I'll take it off too," said General Sigit in his statement, Friday, August 19.

This four-star general also loudly said that all his staff must take firm action against all forms of crime that disturb the public.

"Starting from the circulation of narcotics, gambling both conventional and online, the existence of illegal levies (extortion), illegal mining, misuse of fuel and LPG, arrogant attitudes to the partisanship of members in dealing with legal problems in the community," said Sigit.

Sigit said the actions taken by members of the National Police would have an impact on public confidence in the Bhayangkara Corps. Therefore, Sigit re-emphasized narcotics and various types of gambling must be eradicated.

"I repeat that gambling is land gambling, online gambling, and various other forms of criminal offenses that must be dealt with," he continued.

Furthermore, Sigit also asked all levels to have a consistent and consistent commitment in this regard. Because, this step aims to maintain the dignity of the Police institution so that it is better and regains public trust.

"Once again I ask my colleagues, who are unable to raise their hands. Well, if you don't have it, it means that all of you, all of you, still love the institution and I ask to return the public's trust in us, to the institution, as soon as possible," he said. Sigit.