Don't Ignore It, Recognize These 6 Signs Of Slow Body Metabolism

YOGYAKARTA – Along with increasing age, the body's metabolism changes. According to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, low thyroid hormone levels usually correlate with a slow metabolism.

According to doctor Joel Fuhrman's explanation, as reported by Bustle, Thursday, August 18, a slowed metabolism means the body doesn't work as hard at burning calories and may experience less stress. Signs even more subtle, the following are generally felt when the body's metabolism slows down.

1. Constantly feeling tired

Slow metabolism, possibly related to lack of exercise. That way you will feel sluggish more often. Says psychologist Nicole Martinez, you feel lethargic, slow moving, and tired as signs of a slowing metabolism.

Illustration of signs of slow metabolism (Unsplash/Zohroe Nemati)

2. Unstable weight

Nikki Ostrower, a nutritionist, explains that changes in weight can be a sign that it is related to health. Weight gain that is easy to gain and difficult to lose, could be because the metabolism cannot burn calories to be processed into energy. Instead, the body produces more fat. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this if the ideal body weight, but it requires effort to move more with the aim of losing weight.

3. Irregular menstruation and hair loss

These two signs may be related, but can be experienced separately as a sign that the body's metabolism is slowing down. In women whose menstrual cycles are irregular, it is recommended to go to an ob-gyn. Most likely, the symptoms of irregular periods and thinning hair are symptoms of a slower metabolism due to low thyroid hormones.

4. Food intolerance

If you are allergic or intolerant to certain types of food, you need to avoid eating these foods. If you don't pay attention to your food intolerance, it may damage your metabolism. The body can also be more severe condition due to certain food groups. According to Ostrower, this causes your body to panic.

5. Skin is drier and paler

Because thyroid levels help regulate metabolism, when production levels are lower, it can make skin and hair look dull and dry. According to Ostrower, identify activity before the skin is drier. If you do not do certain activities or certain treatments, it may be caused by a slow metabolism.

6. Diets don't work

One of the goals of the diet is to lose weight. But if the diet has been done and the weight does not go down, it could be a sign of decreased metabolism. Martinez says, if you're eating very healthily but still can't lose weight, it's a sign of a slow metabolism.

Those are the six signs that your metabolism slows down. These signs are rarely noticed, so pay attention to any signs related to metabolism.