This Communication Expert Says, Futuristic Puan Speech Towards Indonesia's Golden Age

JAKARTA - The speech of the Speaker of the DPR, Puan Maharani, at the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD is considered a political manifesto. What Puan said at the annual session was considered to describe the vision and mission of Indonesia today and in the future.

"There are interesting things from Puan's speech at the Joint Session of the DPR-DPD. Puan's speech can be interpreted as a manifesto for Indonesia today and in the future," said Political Communication expert Silvanus Alvin, Wednesday 17 August.

In her speech, Puan spoke of the importance of maintaining the Pancasila ideology to continue to guide Indonesia. The first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives also invites stakeholders to build the younger generation into superior human resources (HR).

Puan also mentioned the various challenges faced by Indonesia that need to be overcome with the various capabilities and strengths of the nation, including the spirit of gotong royong. Alvin said Puan had the foresight to make Indonesia more advanced.

"There is a futuristic view, where Puan can see the obstacles to the progress of the nation and the opportunities and opportunities for Indonesia to reach the golden age," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN).

“Puan bases her manifesto on the strong roots of Pancasila. This is an important point because Pancasila as the basis of the state must be the main foundation for the nation's leaders to determine the direction and lead," continued Alvin.

The Master's graduate from the University of Leicester, England, also highlighted how Puan explained the importance of Development Politics for Indonesia's progress in the future.

According to Alvin, Puan's statement regarding development is not only sufficient in terms of development alone, but also that the development of the nation's character is very appropriate.

“This Political Development Diction deserves attention because it is in line with Pak Jokowi's spirit regarding mental revolution and equitable development throughout Indonesia. I also see that the IKN policy has strong encouragement from Puan to continue the policy," he explained.

Furthermore, Alvin praised Puan for paying more attention to the state civil apparatus (ASN). Puan assesses that ASN can be a strength capital in accelerating Indonesia's progress regarding bureaucratic reform. Puan also reminded ASN to leave the attitude of 'justifying the usual' and 'getting used to the right'.

"The philosophy of getting used to the right is important to apply. Puan specifically mentions ASN, but I believe this is intended for all Indonesian citizens. ASN who started because they are part of the government to serve as an example, and later followed by all Indonesian citizens, "said Alvin.

"In my view, Puan's speech makes her fit to become a presidential candidate and compete in the upcoming 2024 election," he concluded.