Surakarta City Government Immediately Arrange For Sriwedari Solo Area

SOLO - The Surakarta City Government will immediately organize the Sriwedari Solo area to make it more comfortable to use for community activities.

Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said one of the plans that will be carried out in the near future is the cleaning of Graha Wisata.

Graha Wisata, which is inside the Sriwedari Complex, has been used for several activities, including a vaccination center and was once a centralized isolation location during the recent surge in COVID-19 cases.

"It has to be touched, but later there will be cleaning of several locations," he said as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 15.

Even though it has been included in the plan, Gibran is still reluctant to convey the budget needed by the Surakarta City Government for revamping the Sriwedari area.

"Mengko wae (later), which is clearly ours. We will touch it and clean it up," he said.

Mentioned about other locations within the Sriwedari area that need to be arranged, he said, for the Segaran location, this will be done after the cleaning of Graha Wisata.

"Refresh later as you go," he said.

Previously, the Surakarta City Government continued to pursue the development of various infrastructure projects to boost the tourism sector.

Several infrastructure projects in Solo which are currently under construction include the revitalization of Balekambang Park, Taru Jurug Animal Park (TSTJ), and the Ngarsopuro area.