BPBD Builds 41 Shelters For Flood Victims In Parigi Moutong, Target For Completion In The Next 30 Days

SULTENG - A total of 41 temporary housing units (huntara) will be built for flood victims in Torue Village, Torue District, Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi (Sulteng). The development is carried out by the local Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

"Currently in the land preparation stage carried out by the district BPBD in coordination with the regional government, in this case the village head and sub-district head," explained the Head of Emergency and Logistics of the Central Sulawesi BPBD, Andi Sembiring, Monday 15 August.

Andi said the construction of 41 temporary shelters is targeted to be completed within one month, with an estimated size of 5×6 for one room.

"The governor asked for temporary shelters to be built immediately and we might also use other networks to help with the development budget so that the size is 5x6 or 6x6 for one room," he explained, according to Antara.

The shelter, which was built in Torue Village, will later be designated for victims listed in the classification of heavily damaged houses and missing houses caused by flash floods.

"We hope that the construction of the shelters can be fast and the final picture is that 41 units will be built according to available data," said Andi.

According to Andi, the current victim data could change due to flooding again in Torue Village on Sunday, August 14 and causing dozens of houses to be submerged again.

"We continue to collect data so that later the assistance provided is also right on target, including this temporary shelter," said Andi.

Until now, Central Sulawesi BPBD and districts continue to coordinate with related parties to make efforts to accelerate recovery, including providing assistance for victims of banjir bandang.

"We, the provincial BPBD support the recommendations from the district BPBD, so we hope that they in the district will maximize coordination so that the flood handling is fast," he said.