Inspection Of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's Shelter, Location Of Brigadier J's Murder, Komnas HAM Investigate This

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) will check the crime scene (TKP) for the murder of Brigadier J, which is the shelter for Inspector General Ferdy Sambo at the Duren Tiga Police complex, South Jakarta. Komnas HAM wants to know what actually happened.

"Actually, what happened there, there are many changes, then we will see first hand what the situation is like there," said Komnas HAM commissioner Choirul Anam to reporters, Monday, August 15.

In addition, Komnas HAM also wants to know about the alleged attempts to block the investigation or the obstruction of justice that occurred. This is because the National Police had said that several of its members were trying to hinder the investigation into the murder of Brigadier J.

One of the measures taken was to take a CCTV camera which was said to be a key witness to uncover the case.

"One of the important issues is obstruction of justice, is there an obstruction of justice in that place to test," he said.

"We want to see if one of the important points is whether there is an obstruction of justice at the crime scene," continued Anam.

In the checking process, Komas HAM will be accompanied by the Forensic Laboratory (Labfor), Inafis, and a team of doctors.

Currently the National Police has placed 16 members in a special place (patsus). Ten of them are in the Provost and the rest are at the Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok.

They were proven to have violated the code of ethics related to unprofessionalism in the investigation of the premeditated murder case against Brigadier J.