4 Intermediate Officers 'Detained' Because Of Brigadier J's Case, Metro Police Await Investigation Itssus

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya is waiting for the results of the investigation by the Special Inspectorate (Itsus) team at the National Police Headquarters regarding the detention of four middle-ranking officers (pamen) of its members in a special room for allegedly committing ethical violations in the case of the death of Brigadier J.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Endra Zulpan said the results of the Itsus team's investigation became a guide in determining the next steps for the four pamens.

"Of course we will see how the final decision of the National Police Headquarters will be. That will determine whether they are removed from their positions from the Metro Police," Zulpan said as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, August 13.

Three of the four middle-ranking Polda Metro Jaya officers who were detained in connection with the murder case of Brigadier J are known to have served as Head of Sub-Directorate in the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation at the Polda Metro Jaya.

Related to this, Zulpan said that his party had not yet appointed a temporary replacement for the three sub-directorate directors who were being detained.

He only said that the operations of the vacant Sub-Directorate Head position will be led by the most senior Head of Unit (Kanit).

"There is no (replacement for the three sub-directories) yet. This is new, we are still following developments and the extent of their involvement, we also don't know," said Zulpan.

Zulpan said that his party only received information that the four pamen who were reportedly detained were being questioned regarding the case of Brigadier J.

"For their position, there is no replacement. Of course, how do we keep the operational dynamics running? In the sub-directorate, there is a head office. Meanwhile, the senior head office is currently implementing it," said Zulpan.