Kayan, Khaerony Hydropower Project Construction Progress: 30 Percent Of Road Construction

JAKARTA - Currently, the construction of the Kayan Hydro Power Plant (PLTA) project which is being worked on by PT Kayan Hydro Energy (KHE) has reached 30 percent. What's exciting about this project is that KHE involves contractors and local workers.

This was stated by Khaerony, Director of Operations of PT Kayan Hydro Energy (KHE) when asked what progress his party had made and was currently making for the construction of the hydropower plant located on the Kayan River, North Kalimantan. Once built, this hydropower plant is predicted to be the largest in Southeast Asia.

"I can inform you that the latest update regarding the Kayan hydropower project is that we are currently working on road infrastructure development. This is in the form of road construction from the nearest PU (Ministry of Public Works) road to the Kayan 1 dam point, a distance of approximately 12 km. It's already around 30 percent," he told VOI when meeting at the KHE Office, in the Mega Kuningan area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday 10 August.

When asked what obstacles were encountered in the process of constructing the road to Kayan 1 dam, according to Rony - as he is usually called - the permit for the use of explosives had not been completed. "Currently we are processing the permit for the explosives. Previously, we had obtained permits for the use and use of explosives," he said.

If there are no problems, the permit will be completed by the end of August. "After the permit is completed in August, blasting will be carried out for a distance of 4 kilometers of rock material to the dam location. This work is estimated to last for six months. After that, we can continue with the construction of the dam," he said while hoping that all the plans he had made make it run smoothly as planned.

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The Kayan 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hydropower plants, if all of them are realized, will generate 9,000 megawatts of electricity. This electricity will be distributed to the public and business actors through PLN. It is predicted that the majority of electricity will be absorbed by the factory to be built in the Tanah Kuning-Mangkupadi Industrial and International Port (KIPI) Area, North Kalimantan.

"The electricity generated is predicted to be absorbed by industrial estates. Even if all the companies are open and producing, there will be less electricity. Later, a solution will be sought by increasing the production capacity of electricity from the five existing hydropower plants," he said.

Because the construction of this hydropower plant has good prospects, and creates jobs for local residents, many parties provide support. "In general, the support of local residents for the Kayan Dam construction is quite good," said Rony.

In working on this project, KHE deliberately involved local contractors and workers. The empowerment of local contractors and workers is not without reason. This is done so that the surrounding community can also benefit from this project. "We deliberately use local contractors and workers for project development. This is important so that they also feel the benefits of this project, not people from other regions," he said.

The community around the Kayan dam site supports the construction of the dam. (VOI Doc)

Currently, continued Rony, there are 4 vendors involved. "For road construction, there are already four vendors involved. All of them are from the local area. And the staff is also from the villagers around the project," he said.

"With the Kayan hydropower development project carried out by PT Kayan Hydro Energy (KHE) the benefits are felt directly by the community. Even though the project has just started, especially when the dam is finished and the hydropower plant is operational," said Khaerony.

This hydropower project is expected to run optimally so that later this large power source can be integrated and become the main power source for the Tanah Kuning-Mangkupadi Industrial and International Port (KIPI) Zone.

PT Pelabuhan Internasional Indonesia (PII) and PT Indonesia Strategic Industries (ISI) as managers have obtained permits for industrial estates.

In addition, PT ISI has entered into MOUs with various tenants who will operate within the PT ISI industrial area, including PT Nickel Industri Indonesia, PT Prime Steel Indonesia, PT General Battery Indonesia, PT First Hydrogenic Indonesia, PT Indonesia Emobil Industri and Joint Venture Co. . (which was invested by Shandong Xinhai Technology Co.ltd).