Joint SAR Team Searches For Victims Of The Nuaya Attack In Mamberamo Raya Papua

JAYAPURA - The joint search and rescue team in Mamberamo Raya Regency, Papua, is searching for children who were reported to have been attacked by crocodiles in the Mamberamo River.

Acting Head of the Jayapura Search and Rescue (SAR) Office Marinus B. Ohoirat said the personnel deployed came from Basarnas, the Navy, Polairud Polres Sarmi and KPLP to search for Leno Rumansar (14) who was attacked by a crocodile.

Victim Leno was attacked by a crocodile on Wednesday (3/8) but it was only reported to the Sarmi SAR Post on Saturday by the victim's parents who were also witnesses of the incident.

After receiving the report, the joint SAR team was dispatched to the Mamberamo Raya Regency area which was the scene of the crime by using the Basarnas Rigit Inflatable Boat (RIB) fast boat.

The victim's parents reported that the incident occurred while their son was fishing, but suddenly the victim was attacked by a crocodile and disappeared into the Mamberamo River.

"The search is still ongoing," said Marinus.