This Is About The Purification Of The Army Base On Land In Tanjung Selor, Which Was Tumultuous

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI AD) spoke about the purification of land on which certain parties had used it. This issue is also circulating on Twitter social media @imamsuwito8 on Friday, August 5, 2022.

In the post, it is narrated that there was an eviction of the house of worship carried out by the TNI AD in Gunung Seriang Village, Tanjung Selor, Bulungan Regency, Kaltara Province.

According to the Head of the Army Information Service (Kadispenad) Brigadier General Tatang Subarna in Jakarta, the actions taken by the TNI AD at the Kodim 0903/Bulungan were an act of purification of the base related to land belonging to the Indonesian Army, ex-land of Kipan D Yonif 613/Rja which was claimed to belong to his heirs. WS Singal (late) family.

According to the Head of Dispenad, TNI AD dhi Kodim 0903/Bulungan already has proof of land ownership of the former Kipan D Infantry Battalion 613/Rja which was registered at Denzibang I/VI Smd as TNI AD assets in the form of land and buildings of Kipan D Battalion 613/Rja and recorded at the Regency Dispenda. Bulungan.

"So the status of the land belongs to the state. Initially, it was planned for the construction of the TNI AD Company dormitory with a land area of 69,000 square meters, which began in 1960 and was completed in 1978," said Kadispenad.

However, in 1993 Company D Infantry Battalion 613/Rja changed its organizational structure to Company Assistance (Ki Bant) and had to shift to Mako Battalion 613/Rja which was located in Tarakan City, as a result the land of the former Company became neglected and neglected. So that in 2001 the former Company's land was occupied by members of the PO Singal family (claiming to be the heirs of the late WS Singal) without permission until now.

On the grounds that the land was originally managed and owned by the Alm family. WS Singal in Guntai (agricultural land located outside the domicile area of the land owner who comes from outside the area).

"The Kipan D Yonif 613/Rja dormitory was not built on problematic/overlapping land as referred to by the WS Singal heirs because the origin of the land was Guntai land which was appointed by the Bulungan Regent in 1960 for the construction of a TNI AD Company dormitory with compensation. Plants grow," explained Kadispenad.

"Actually, those who claim to be heirs already know that the land of the former Company D Infantry Battalion 613/Rja has been handed over by the regional government with compensation for live plants," said the Head of Dispenad.

Furthermore, the Kadispenad explained that Kodim 0903/Bulungan's actions were in the form of purification of the base by securing the land assets of the Army in the area under the guidance of Kodim 0903/Bulungan, including the land of the former Company D Battalion Raider 613/Rja located in Gunung Seriang.

"So it's not eviction like what is alleged, because it has gone through stages according to procedures such as mediation, and several warnings to residents who claim to be heirs to land ownership, which is actually state-owned land destined for the Army," he concluded.