There Is No Incumbent Presidential Candidate, PPP Is Considered To Have The Opportunity To Raise Votes In The 2024 Election

JAKARTA - The electability of the United Development Party (PPP) in several survey results is still at the bottom at around 2.9 percent. In fact, PPP is predicted not to pass to the DPR because the vote is less than four percent.

The Director of Research and Education of the RODA Institute, Surya Vandiantara, believes that PPP should be able to raise its vote in the upcoming 2024 election because there were no incumbents in the presidential election, as happened in 2014.

According to him, PPP has the potential to become the leader of other Islamic parties in the upcoming 2024 election. This is because PPP is a mature and experienced party in general election constellations from the New Order era to the present.

"PPP is one of the Islamic parties with the most electoral participation in Indonesia. It is noted that PPP has participated in elections since 1977. PPP's experience and maturity in fighting for the aspirations of Muslims both in the legislative and executive realms is a big asset in leading Islamic parties as a whole. in the 2024 election," Surya said during an online discussion in Jakarta, Friday, August 5. Moreover, Surya continued, with the storm conditions experienced by several Islamic parties today seeming to be breaking, the momentum is very likely to be used by PPP. This condition has the opportunity to be used by PPP in increasing the number of votes in the 2024 election," he explained.

In fact, Surya said, in 2024 the vote increase should be able to increase by 47 percent, as happened in the 2014 election. Not to mention if you look at today's conditions, added Surya, PPP Chairperson Suharso Monoarfa, can embrace all parties after the dualism in the party Kaaba. "Suharso Monoarfa is a leader who is able to become a unifying figure within the PPP body, after various internal conflicts that occurred within the party. This unifying figure is then able to give confidence to PPP cadres and voters to be victorious again in the 2024 election," said Surya.