Indonesia's Strategy Moves Between The United States And China: Responding To Nancy Pelosi's Visit To Taiwan

JAKARTA - Indonesia became the first country to be visited by the United States (US) Secretary of State Antony Blinken on his Southeast Asia tour at the end of last year. According to Blinken, Indonesia is an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia that has a big impact on the world.

That's why, the Southeast Asia tour starts from Indonesia and continues to Malaysia and Thailand.

The tour is of course related to the rivalry between the United States and China. As a response to China's efforts to control the territory of the South China Sea, starting from the maritime boundaries of the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, to Brunei Darussalam.

Because previously, as quoted by Reuters, Blinken said China had acted aggressively in the South China Sea. Threatening the movement of trade worth more than three trillion US dollars. America came to make sure the region remained open.

"However, the goal of maintaining a rules-based order is not to bring down any country. Rather, to protect the right of all countries to choose their own path, free from coercion and intimidation," Blinken said.

The United States Foreign Minister, Antony Blinken met President Jokowi during a visit to Indonesia at the end of 2021. (

America's presence cannot be denied. However, said Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, America is Indonesia's strategic partner, an important partner in the security sector.

Inevitably, Indonesia welcomes the United States' commitment to increase concrete cooperation that is mutually beneficial and mutually respectful.

"Today, the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding regarding the extension of maritime cooperation which will be valid until 2026," said Retno at a press conference on December 14, 2021.

Cooperation includes security, marine resources, conservation in fisheries management, as well as safety and maritime navigation.

"In order to strengthen cooperation in the security sector, we have agreed to establish a 2+2 dialogue mechanism between the foreign ministry, the defense ministry, at the senior official level," Retno continued.

Nine Dash Line's Arrogance

Although in the last 10 years China has become a harmonious business partner, in terms of maritime territories, China continues to show its arrogance towards Indonesia, especially on Natuna Island.

China seems to have claimed the Natuna Islands as its own because of its location in the South China Sea area. Many Chinese fishing boats enter illegally with the protection of ship guards. Data from the monitoring system titled Skylight in 2020 states that up to 1,000 ships per day enter Natuna waters.

According to Foreign Minister Retno, the basis used by China to claim the entire South China Sea is a nine-dash line that stretches as far as 2000 km from mainland China through Taiwan to a number of countries in Southeast Asia.

"However, there is no legal basis recognized by international law," said Foreign Minister Retno as quoted by

Retno has also expressed several protests regarding this, both directly and in official forums. Retno requested that every country respect international law as stated in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which was established in 1982.

The United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has designated the Natuna waters as the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). On that basis, the waters in the Natuna Islands region were named the North Natuna Sea in 2017.

The presence of Chinese coast guard vessels in Natuna waters. (Between)

China is still nagging. Even a few weeks before the arrival of the US Foreign Minister, China had asked Indonesia to stop oil and gas exploration drilling in Natuna.

According to the Professor of International Law at the University of Indonesia, Hikmahanto Juwana, it is not enough to rely solely on the diplomatic process. Physical presence is also required to oversee the Natuna waters.

This is because in international law a claim to an area is not enough to be limited to a claim on a map or a diplomatic protest, but there must be effective control.

“Effective control in the form of physical presence is important considering the Sipadan and Ligitan Island cases between Indonesia and Malaysia. The International Court of Justice won Malaysia on this basis,” said Juwana.

"As long as the nine dotted lines and traditional fishing rights are used as the basis for claims, China will always maintain its physical presence in North Natuna," he added.

Seeing that, it is not wrong if Indonesia considers America as an important figure who can balance Indonesia's foreign policy, which until now still adheres to freedom of movement.

Super Garuda Shield Military Exercise

Cooperation between Indonesia and America is also getting closer in the military field. Just like before, this year, joint exercises between the TNI and the US Army were again conducted in Indonesian waters. Training locations in Baturaja, Amborawang, and Batam Island from 1-14 August 2022.

This time, not only the TNI and the American Army, the 2022 Super Garuda Shield (SGS) joint exercise was also attended by 11 other countries with a total of more than 4,000 soldiers. The eleven countries are Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Papua New Guinea, South Korea, India, Timor Leste, Canada, France, and the UK.

"SGS 2022 is a large-scale joint training event between Indonesia and friendly countries in the Indo-Pacific region," said TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa, Wednesday (3/8).

The number of participating countries, the thousands of soldiers deployed, and the training locations still in Indonesian waters are certainly a question mark. Moreover, China, which incidentally has close relations with Indonesia, was not included in the list of trainees.

The rivalry between the US and China, the escalation of the South China Sea and the visit of the speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan a few days ago are issues that cannot be ruled out.

The Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces, General Andika Perkasa (left) and the Commander of the US Army Pacific Command, General Charles A. Flyn opened a military exercise with the Super Garuda Shield which was attended by 13 countries at the Puslatpur Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatra on Wednesday 3 August 2022. (Antara/M Risyal Hidayat)

Launching, International Relations lecturer at the University of Indonesia, Muhammad Arif, assessed that in addition to improving military skills, the joint exercise is also in line with Indonesia's strategy so far, which welcomes as many countries as possible to get involved in the Asia Pacific region.

So that there is a diversification of power in the region as a realistic strategy in dealing with China, which often acts aggressively in the South China Sea.

"The most important thing is also at the strategic level, how far is Indonesia willing to be associated with the Free and Open Indo Pacific narrative. In fact, all this time we have tried to give a neutral meaning to the Indo Pacific," Arif said, Wednesday (3/8). free and open. Not linked to other countries despite growing concerns about China's increasing aggressiveness in the Pacific.

As reiterated by Major General Stephen Smith as commander of the US troops who participated in the SGS, "This is really an exercise to build trust, build togetherness, mutual understanding, improve capabilities and other related matters."

"So this is really a military exercise and not a threat to any party," he told reporters in Jakarta on July 29, 2022.

Reflecting from Taiwan

Indonesia's move closer to America may be an affirmation of Indonesia's free and active politics. However, on the other hand, the move could be a blunder. Especially, because the total value of Indonesia's trade with China last year reached more than 100 billion US dollars, an increase of 40 percent from 2020.

“In fact, it is likely to continue to increase this year. From January to May 2022 alone, the total trade between Indonesia and China has reached 50 billion US dollars," said Chairman of the Indonesian-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KIKT), Garibaldi Thohir.

If China reacts negatively to the Indonesian-American cooperation, it is likely that this value will not increase significantly, or even decrease.

See Beijing's response to learning that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. China immediately added sanctions to Taiwan.

"China has suspended imports of citrus fruits, squid and mackerel from Taiwan," said Chinese Customs, quoted by Reuters on Wednesday (3/8).

Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi (fourth from right) arrives at Chiang Kai Sek Airport, Taipei on a visit to Taiwan. (Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Beijing has warned Pelosi not to meddle in China's sovereign affairs. The Chinese military even boasted that it was ready to launch military action in response to Pelosi's visit.

"The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is on high alert and will launch a series of targeted military operations to counter this," Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said.

"Resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. And, resolutely thwart external interference and separatist efforts for Taiwan independence," he added.

All countries will play their cards of interest. With Indonesia's foreign policy being free and active, one of the important agendas for Indonesia is to determine its strategic vision in the region. The US is attracting influence with the narrative of "Free and Open Indo-Pacific", while China with the discourse of the economic agenda "Belt Road Initiative". "Time will still prove how Indonesia will row between two rocks," said Muhammad Arif.