DPR Member: Budget Allocation For 2022 Housing Sector Subsidy Must Be Right On Target To Overcome Backlog

JAKARTA - Member of Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives Toriq Hidayat stated that the allocation of the housing sector subsidy budget for 2022 needs to be right on target in order to overcome the backlog problem or housing shortage in various regions.

"Appreciation for the Ministry of PUPR which provides subsidies to 222,586 housing units in 2022, worth Rp. 23.88 trillion. This number is greater than in 2021, which is 157,500 units with a value of Rp. 16.6 trillion," said Toriq Hidayat in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Between, Thursday August 4th.

According to him, this step is essential because it has the potential to overcome the gap between the number of existing houses and the current needs of the community.

Toriq said that there are several factors causing the housing backlog, namely the most crucial is the invalid database, and the lack of absorption of housing by low-income people (MBR).

"About the database, of course the budget is for people who do not have a house. Due to limited income. This program should only be accessed by the MBR group. However, the facts on the ground are not. Non-MBR groups can also access it," he said.

He believes that the lack of information and socialization on how to access bank loans to MBR is the main obstacle, especially since there is a view that dealing with banks is complicated and difficult.

"Therefore, I really hope that the Ministry of PUPR as the leading housing sector in Indonesia will be able to fix the database. Cooperate with ministries or institutions that intersect with this. So that only people who have the right can get subsidized housing," he explained.

Next, he pushed for the need to set up a special service office tasked with overcoming the public's limited information about access to subsidized housing.

Previously, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) assessed that Perum Perumnas in the future needs to further increase the development of vertical housing or flats (Rusun) for the community, especially low-income people (MBR).

"Perum Perumnas is one of the work partners of the Ministry of PUPR which plays an important role in building houses for the community. We hope that Perumnas can continue to increase residential development in the form of flats for people in the region," said Director General of Housing at the Ministry of PUPR, Iwan Suprijanto.

The existence of support for the construction of flats by Perum Perumnas which is integrated with mass transportation modes, he continued, is expected to be able to encourage the achievement of the One Million Houses Program while providing decent and affordable housing.

Iwan explained, Perum Perumnas can cooperate with various ministries/agencies that have potential land in regions and big cities in Indonesia.