DKI DPRD Members Protest Many Attend Meetings Via Zoom: My Grandson Just Has Kindergarten Already Entered School

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) held a plenary meeting on the discussion of two draft regional regulations (raperda).
When the new plenary session opened, not all members of the council appeared. More than half of the seats for DPRD members are empty. Some of them choose to attend plenary meetings online using the Zoom app.
The agenda begins when members of the PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Agustina Hermanto or Tina Toon, move forward to convey the general view of their faction.
Suddenly, a member of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD, Rasyidi, interrupted the leadership of the plenary meeting.
Rasyidi expressed his opinion about using Zoom during plenary meetings. According to him, the use of Zoom in meetings is no longer necessary.
"I want to convey to the leadership that the policy on using Zoom in the DKI Jakarta DPRD should have been withdrawn," said Rasyidi when interrupting the plenary session at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Wednesday, August 3.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, when there was a policy of limiting room capacity, the DKI DPRD also limited the attendance capacity of its members in meetings, adjusting regulations in the PPKM level assessment.
Now, Jakarta has implemented PPKM Level 1. In which, the indoor capacity is allowed as much as 100 percent. The school has also implemented 100 percent face-to-face learning. Rasyidi said the DKI DPRD must also adjust the policy.
In fact, he also mentioned the wedding of the daughter of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, Mutiara Annisa Baswedan on Friday, Saturday and last Sunday at Candi Bentar, Putri Duyung, Ancol which was attended by many people.
"My grandson is in Kindergarten, there are 4th grade and 6th grade (SD) all of them go to school and wear masks without using Zoom. Yesterday, when the governor was at the party, it was really busy. There was no problem," said Rasyidi.
"Don't let the zoom be used as an advantage by members of the DKI Jakarta DPRD who don't attend the plenary meeting, so that after they click (via Zoom), yes, they are considered to be there," he added.
Therefore, he also asked the Secretary of the Council (Sekwan) of the DKI DPRD, Firmansyah, to review the hybrid meeting policy. "Therefore, I think Mr. Sekwan will try to review whether it is necessary to still use Zoom," Rasyidi added.