KM Cahaya Arafah Accident Suspect: Master Detained, Ship Owner Still Free

JAKARTA - The Ditpolairud Regional Police (Polda) of North Maluku (Malut) scheduled an examination of IS, the owner of the Motor Ship (KM) Cahaya Arafah which sank in the waters of Tokaka, South Halmahera on July 18, 2022.

"The plan is to call him back today," said Head of Unit II Si Sidik, Sub-Directorate of Gakkum, Ditpolairud, North Maluku Police, Ipda Adegair Ibrahim, in Ternate, Tuesday, August 2.

The summons was made after the captain of the ship with the initials AN was named a suspect. AN was immediately detained with the status of a prisoner who was placed in the Ternate Class llB Rutan on Monday 1 August, yesterday.

"For one other suspect, namely the owner of the ship with the initials IS, it is planned that today the investigators will recall him for re-examination and determine his detention status," he said, according to Antara.

He added that the investigation into this case will continue to investigate further and there may be other suspects.

"Essentially, we are investigating this process again and it is still running. It is possible that there are other suspects," he said.

AN and Is were officially named as suspects by the investigators of the Ditpolairud Polda Malut as a result of the KM Cahaya Arafah accident that resulted in the death of 10 people and 1 other reported missing.

Both were named suspects, after investigators examined 12 witnesses, and according to investigators, the two suspects were determined because they had fulfilled the elements.

The two suspects are charged with Article 302 paragraphs (1) (2) and (3), in conjunction with Article 117 and Article 310, Article 312 in conjunction with Article 145 of Law Number 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping and Article 359 in conjunction with Article 155 paragraph (1) to ( 1) Criminal Code. The penalty in this article is up to a maximum of 10 years in prison.