A Number Of Online Gambling Sites Can Even Be Accessed, MPR Chair Asks Minister Johnny To Immediately Verify

JAKARTA - Chairman of the MPR Bambang Soesatyo asked the Government to respond to public criticism regarding the rise of online gambling sites that can still be accessed amidst the hustle and bustle of blocking electronic system operators (PSE).

"The government must respond quickly to this problem by encouraging the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) to verify several registered PSEs indicated to provide gambling services," said the man who is familiarly called Bamsoet, in a statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday, August 2. Between.

According to Bamsoet, this step is a step that must be taken immediately in addition to conducting a thorough sweeping of registered private PSEs.

"With the aim of ensuring that no problematic PSE passes, such as online gambling sites or applications," said the Chair of the MPR RI.

Furthermore, he also asked the government, in this case the Ministry of Communication and Information, to strictly impose sanctions by cutting off access to PSEs identified as illegal, such as online gambling sites and/or applications, pornography, to illegal trade, in accordance with applicable regulations.

"This effort is expected to provide a deterrent effect for these 'naughty' PSEs," said Bamsoet.

On the other hand, the Chairperson of the MPR also asked the Ministry of Communication and Information to be more active in cyber patrols and close services that violate the digital space, ranging from gambling, pornography, radicalism, to illegal trade.

For Bamsoet, it is important for the Ministry of Communication and Information to continue to maintain its commitment and strive to protect the digital space of the Indonesian people by not giving space to the existence of illegal sites or applications such as online gambling in Indonesia.

The Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) of the Republic of Indonesia Johnny G. Plate said that his party has made efforts to ensure that all activities in the digital space are in line with the law and clean up various sites that are not in line with or violate the law.

“Including online gambling, both through the alphabet and numerically. Every day the cleaning is carried out," Johnny told reporters at the KPU RI office, Jakarta, Monday.