Can PKS Realize Its Ambition Of Winning 86 Seats In The DPR In The 2024 General Election?

JAKARTA - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) targets 86 seats or 15 percent of parliamentary representation for the Indonesian House of Representatives in the 2024 General Election contestation.
"So since the 5th national meeting in 2020, the DPP has been mandated to achieve the minimum target of 15 percent," said PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu when registering at the KPU RI office, in Jakarta, Monday, August 1.
According to him, the target for this general election is an increase compared to the number of PKS representation in the DPR as a result of the 2019 legislative elections.
"If the DPR RI seats are equivalent to 86 seats, (previously) PKS got 50 seats, meaning that there needs to be an additional 36 seats. Therefore, we God willing, we will continue to press especially in the electoral districts that are still vacant and the additions in the current electoral districts already there," he said.
For the first day of registration, PKS became the third political party to register with the KPU. The first political party accepted by the Indonesian KPU on the first day of the registration stage was PDIP, followed by PKP.
PKS came to display Betawi culture, the Cross Pintu, according to Syaikhu as a form of respect for the customs that exist in the country.
Syaikhu stated that registering on the first day of the registration stage showed PKS' readiness to participate in the 2024 General Election.
"We intend to register on the first day so that we can show that PKS is ready to take part in the upcoming 2024 elections," said PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu.