Brigadier J's Case Withdrawn To The Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Why?

JAKARTA - The case of alleged molestation and threats of Nofryansah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J to the wife of the non-active Head of the National Police Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo with the initials P is now being handled by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Pol Dedi Prasetyo confirmed that the handling of the case of Brigadier J as the reported person was withdrawn to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police for the effectiveness and efficiency of handling the case.

"Yes (pulled) into one so that it is effective and efficient in fingerprint management," said Dedi confirmed via instant message in Jakarta, Sunday.

Previously there were three police reports related to Brigadier J which was handled by the National Police.

Two reports, namely the alleged harassment and pointing of guns against P, the wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, which were initially handled by the South Jakarta Metro Police, were later withdrawn to the Metro Jaya Police. The withdrawal of this case was informed on Tuesday 19 July.

Then the police report filed by Brigadier J's family through their attorney regarding the alleged premeditated murder on Monday 18 July.

Quoting Antara, now, the two reports from the Polda Metro Jaya have been withdrawn to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police starting Friday, July 29.

Regarding the two reports that were withdrawn from the Polda Metro Jaya to the Bareskrim Polri, Dedi said the investigation still involved investigators from the Polda Metro Jaya (PMJ) and the Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan who were included in the special team of investigators formed by the National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

"However, the PMJ investigator, South Jakarta is still included in the team for the Timsus fingerprint," he said.

Until the 22nd day since the death of Brigadier J in a gunshot at Inspector General Pol Ferdy Sambo's house on Friday 8 July, the Police have not named a single person as a suspect.

The National Police said Brigadier J was killed in a shootout with Bharada Richard Eliezer, a fellow aide to the Propam Headquarters.

He is suspected of harassing and pointing a gun at P, Ferdy Sambo's wife.

In uncovering this case, National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo formed a special team consisting of internal and external members of the National Police (Komnas HAM and Kompolnas) to uncover cases in an objective, transparent and accountable manner.

Then, the National Police Chief also disabled two high-ranking officers and one mid-level officer in the aftermath of this incident.

Those who were removed from their positions were Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo from the position of Head of the Propam Division, Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan from the position of Karo for Internal Security (Paminal), and Kombes Pol Budhi Herdy Susianto from the position of Head of the South Jakarta Metro Police.

Investigators also performed a re-autopsy or exhumation of Brigadier J's body at the request of the family who felt strange about the death of their child.