Returning Via Boyolali, Hajj From Yogyakarta Positive For COVID-19 Will Be Isolated In A Shelter Owned By The DIY Provincial Government

DIY - Pilgrims from the city of Yogyakarta who are confirmed positive for COVID-19 after arriving in the country will be immediately quarantined in a shelter owned by the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

Yogyakarta Hajj return via Adi Soemarmo International Airport Boyolali City, Central Java. They will then undergo a COVID-19 antigen test at the Haji Donohudan Embarkation, Boyolali.

"If anyone is confirmed positive, they will be referred for isolation in the DIY shelter. This is in accordance with the previously agreed policy," said Head of the Yogyakarta City Ministry of Religion, Nur Abadi, in Yogyakarta, Friday, July 29.

Nur said that 156 members of the pilgrims from the city of Yogyakarta were scheduled to arrive at the Yogyakarta City Hall in the early hours of Saturday 30 July.

"The congregation will land in Solo today at around 22.15 WIB and have to undergo a health check and others. It is scheduled to arrive at Yogyakarta City Hall in the early hours of around 02.00 WIB or 03.00 WIB," he said.

"There are health workers from the Yogyakarta City Health Service and four or five ambulances that were deployed to serve the pilgrims at the time of picking up the pilgrims at the Donohudan Boyolali Debarkation," he continued.

Members of the Hajj pilgrims who, according to the results of the examination at the debarkation, are healthy, not infected with COVID-19, can immediately return home.

"Hopefully all the congregants are in good health and no one has been exposed to COVID-19 so they can immediately return home and gather with their families," said Nur.

He reminded pilgrims to be disciplined in implementing health protocols because coughs or colds easily come when the body is tired after carrying out a series of worship and traveling long distances.

Members of the pilgrims who have just arrived from the Holy Land are also asked to immediately report to the puskesmas in their respective neighborhoods so that the officers can monitor their health condition.

Previously, the Head of the Infectious Disease Control and Immunization Section of the Yogyakarta City Health Office, Endang Sri Rahayu, also reminded pilgrims to continue to apply health protocols even though their bodies are in good health.

He appealed to pilgrims after arriving home to temporarily limit interactions and postpone gatherings with large numbers of people even if they were in good health.

The Yogyakarta City Health Office assigned the puskesmas to monitor the health condition of pilgrims who had just arrived from the Holy Land.