Protocol Road In Lampung Will Be 'Flood' With Residents Participating In Development Parade, Office Deploys 100 Officers To Clean Up

LAMPUNG - The Environmental Service of Bandarlampung City, Lampung Province, will deploy around 100 officers to clean protocol roads after the construction parade on Sunday, July 31, 2022.

"We will deploy 20 UPTs for Waste Management during the development parade so that the protocol road the group is traveling on is clean again," said Head of the Bandarlampung City Environment Agency, Budiman PM, in Bandarlampung, Antara, Friday, July 29.

According to him, each Waste Management Task Force (UPT) will deploy five cleaners and one garbage transport vehicle to support road cleaning after the parade.

"For garbage collectors, we have prepared a garbage truck or a pickup truck. We will also prepare trash boxes at road points where the construction parade vehicles will pass," he said.

He said that janitors would clean up trash along the parade road.

"But we also ask that sticky food residues should not be thrown away on the road because it will be difficult to clean up quickly by officers," he said.

The acting Regional Secretary of Bandar Lampung City, Sukarma Wijaya, explained that the city government held a construction parade on Sunday (31/7) to commemorate the 340th anniversary of Bandar Lampung City and to welcome the 77th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

"The development parade is divided into two, namely the ornamental vehicle parade and the cultural parade. The ornamental vehicle parade involves regional apparatus organizations (OPD) to the urban village, while the cultural parade will be carried out on foot," he said.

"So (the parade) is not focused on one culture, all cultural (entities) from all provinces in Indonesia in this city can participate in the cultural parade later," he added.

The float parade is planned to start from Jalan Sudirman to Jalan A. Yani, Jalan Kartini, Jalan Kota Raja, Jalan Raden Intan, Jalan Tulang Bawang, to Saburai Field.

Meanwhile, the cultural parade will start from Jalan Sudirman to Jalan Diponogoro and end at the Bandar Lampung City Government Office yard.