Drug Transactions With Police In Plain Dress, Bandar Sabu In Palmerah Boncos Village Arrested By Apparatus

JAKARTA - The Palmerah Police have arrested a shabu dealer who often hangs out in Boncos Village, Palmerah, West Jakarta. The suspect with the initials E (35) is a recidivist in a similar case, but after serving his sentence the perpetrator was not deterred and returned to circulating methamphetamine.

Palmerah Police Chief AKP Dodi Abdulrohim said his party arrested the perpetrator with the initials E along with 8.87 grams of crystal methamphetamine with a value of Rp. 10 million.

"The perpetrators were arrested when plainclothes officers made transactions with the perpetrators, in addition we also confiscated 1.2 million rupiah, suspected of being the proceeds of drug sales," said AKP Dodi when confirmed, Friday, July 29.

Dodi explained that the perpetrator had become the target of the officers. The Palmerah Police have carried out surveillance on the movements of the perpetrators who often carry out drug transactions in Boncos Village, Palmerah, West Jakarta.

"The perpetrator with the initial E was arrested in a drug case in 2016, but he was not surprised and returned to being a drug dealer," he said.

The perpetrator is registered as a resident of Boncos Village, Palmerah. Meanwhile, the Palmerah Police will continue to develop the case to hunt down other drug suppliers.

"We will not stop there, we will also pursue the suppliers of illicit drugs," he said.

To account for his actions, the perpetrators are subject to Article 114 paragraph 2 of UURI No. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics.