Mother's Isak Cry And Family Hope Accompany Demolition Of Brigadier J's Tomb In Jambi

JAMBI - The tomb of Brigadier J alias Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat in Jambi was dismantled for a re-autopsy. This process is a request for the family to seek justice and the disclosure of the true case.

Monitoring from the location of Sungai Bahar Public Cemetery Unit 1, Muaro Jambi Regency, Wednesday, July 27, at 06.50 WIB before the grave was dismantled, the families seemed to pray first.

The prayer led by a priest was attended directly by Brigadier J's family. It was seen that Brigadier J's parents, brothers, sisters and other extended families were also attended by a team of lawyers including Kamaruddin Simanjuntak.

During the family prayer procession, police officers had been on guard around the tomb that had been given a police line.

Rohani Simanjuntak, a representative from Brigadier J's family, hopes that the re-autopsy process can run smoothly and can reveal all the causes of the victim's death.

Brigadier J's mother, Rosti Simanjuntak, after praying before the demolition of her son's grave, cried hysterically. He asked for justice to be served and the disclosure of the case of his son's death to be transparent.

As is known, a shootout between members of the police took place at the official house of the non-active Head of the Propam Police Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo in the Duren Tiga area, South Jakarta, on Friday, July 8 afternoon.

A shootout took place between Inspector General Sambo's aide, Bharada E, and Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias J. Brigadier J was known to be at the location, serving as the driver for Inspector General Sambo's wife, Putri Ferdy Sambo. He was shot dead by Bharada E.