The Case Of Brigadier J Is Hilarious, Check Out The Police Financial Report In Semester I 2022

JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Police (Polri) is currently being stirred up by the case of Brigadier J, which has caught a lot of attention. This of course made the Bhayangkara Corps in the public spotlight.

No doubt several aspects of the Police are in the spotlight. One of the editors raised this time was about the use of the state budget in the Polri institution.

Referring to the government's report to the DPR on the Implementation of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget for the First Semester of 2022, it is known that the National Police this year has received a ceiling of Rp. 110 trillion based on Presidential Regulation 98/2022.

This number makes the Police as a government institution with the second largest budget after the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) of Rp. 134.7 trillion, and above the Ministry of PUPR with Rp. 100.6 trillion.

Meanwhile, the realization of the Police budget until June 2022 is IDR 50.3 trillion or 45.3 percent of the provided ceiling.

In its absorption in the field, the budget is used to support development in the fields of law, defense, and security.

"The absorption performance in the first semester of 2022 is influenced, among other things, by assistance in securing the implementation of vaccines and securing going home in 2022," said the minutes received by VOI, quoted Tuesday, July 26.

It was also stated that in line with budget performance, the Police have also realized strategic outputs, including the fulfillment of special material equipment (almatsus), handling and settlement of general crimes.

Then, handling and resolving drug crimes, handling and resolving criminal acts of terrorism, to police operation control services.

The Bhayangkara Corps was also recorded as successfully donating Rp4.2 trillion to the state treasury as a form of realization of PNBP from the Traffic function, including revenue from issuance of STNK, BPKB, TNKB, NRKB as well as extension and/or issuance of SIM.

This amount itself is said to be equivalent to 45.8 percent of the National Police PNBP target in Presidential Decree No. 98 of 2022.

"The realization has increased by 1.0 percent from the realization in the same period in 2021," the government report said.

In addition to the Traffic function, the source of revenue obtained comes from the Public Service Agency (BLU) of the National Police with the realization in the first semester of this year amounting to Rp. 1.1 trillion or 48.7 percent of the target of Presidential Decree No. 98 of 2022. This realization has decreased by 8.1 percent on an annual basis (year on year / yoy).

"The decline in BLU revenue realization was due to a decrease in COVID-19 patient services, both in terms of patient occupancy as well as swab and PCR test services," the document said.