4 Steps To A Healthy Diet With Balanced Nutrition, Don't Skip Breakfast

JAKARTA - Not a few people who go on a diet with the reason to reduce weight and achieve the ideal body shape. But in fact, reasons like that often make diet programs fail or stop in the middle of the road.

Therefore, it is very important to have a good reason to start and follow a diet on a regular basis. But people realize that dieting is very difficult to manage when they are busy and the schedule is very tight.

A common problem faced by the current productive age generation in maintaining a healthy diet is that they don't have time to eat lunch and even avoid dinner.

On the other hand, the pandemic has affected every line of life, including the daily consumption patterns of people of productive age. Changes that occur can lead to positive or negative eating patterns. The results showed that there was an increase in the consumption of main and snack foods, vegetables and fruit, water, spice drinks, and supplements. However, on the other hand, there were also changes in dietary patterns such as increasing the number of meals in a day or increasing snacks, namely packaged snacks and snacks. fast food that leads to weight gain.

Here are tips for maintaining a healthy diet and staying fit both physically and mentally for optimally productive days:

Not Skipping Breakfast Due to the hectic activities that we do, many of us skip breakfast which is actually a source of energy to carry out activities. Even the benefits of breakfast can also help suppress appetite during the day so as not to overdo it in 1 lunch portion.

Drink lots of water A healthy diet is not complete without water. Adequate water intake will maintain the smooth functioning of the body and protect against dehydration. When you're dehydrated, your body tends to send out the wrong hunger signals. This is what makes a person often eat a lot which makes eating irregular portions without realizing it.

Eat with a Regular and Timely Pattern The key to a healthy diet is to apply the Balanced Nutrition Guidelines. This means that you need to eat foods that are carbohydrate sources, as well as side dishes that are sources of fat and protein in appropriate amounts. Always pay attention to the type of food, the portion and time of eating, as well as the safety of food hygiene. Choose complex carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats that our bodies need.

Do not forget the intake of fiber and vitamins from vegetables and fruits which are important to facilitate digestion and support the immune system. Interestingly, we can use the Ask a Doctor feature from Alodokter to ask questions about healthy foods that we can easily consume in the midst of our busy activities.

Don't Overeat Even though we eat healthy food, the portions must be balanced. Eat in moderation and stop about when you are 80% full. Overeating is not only negative for weight but can also interfere with digestion.

A healthy food program that is suitable for managing calories for each serving of food. Before knowing how to divide our food portions in one meal, we must first know the calorie needs per day, which is influenced by height, weight, age, and physical activity. The average man needs about 2,500 calories per day (10,500 kilojoules), while the average woman needs about 2,000 calories per day (8,400 kilojoules). Consult with experts before deciding to diet.

“In this digital era, technology and social media play a very important role in supporting a healthy and active lifestyle. Alodokter collaborates with Yellow Fit Kitchen to help people adopt an active healthy lifestyle supported by balanced nutrition, because basically prevention is better than treatment," said Suci Arumsari, Co-Founder & President Director of Alodokter.