Building A Conducive Small Industry Climate, NTB Proposes Halal Industry Park As A National Strategic Program

MATARAM - The Provincial Government of West Nusa Tenggara has proposed the Halal Industry Park as a national strategic program at the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) according to the president's policy regarding small and medium industries that must have a conducive climate to create a good ecosystem.

"We have consulted with the Directorate General of Resilience, Territorial and International Industrial Access, the Ministry of Industry," said Head of the NTB Industry Service, Nuryanti, in Mataram, Antara, Friday, July 22.

He said the development process for the NTB Halal Industry Park (HIP) had begun in early February 2022, starting from the mapping process, comparative studies in Sidoarjo, East Java, in preparing the HIP development in NTB.

In addition, conducting a survey for the location of the NTB HIP and feasibility studies in two locations, namely Sekotong District, West Lombok Regency, and Pujut District, Central Lombok Regency.

Nuryanti added that Central Lombok Regency was recommended because of its location close to the Mandalika Special Economic Zone which is a product-based tourism center.

"But overall, there are nine potential targets for NTB HIP locations based on recommendations from the NTB Environment and Forestry Service. Ideally, each district has one industrial area," he said.

He explained the goals and expectations of the establishment of NTB HIP, among others, to overcome problems from the upstream to downstream sectors so that existing small and medium industry (IKM) players can become a supply chain so that the availability of raw materials will always be guaranteed quality, quantity and continuity.

In addition, NTB HIP can build partnerships with large industries that will enter NTB as well as prepare space for IKM to upgrade.

"We can build partnerships with large companies, such as Wardah and others. In addition, a supply chain will be formed so as to ensure the quality, quantity and continuity of NTB SMEs in the future," said Nuryanti.