PSE Law Enforcement Regulatory Value Expert Needed Apart From Digital Literacy

JAKARTA - Communications expert from Airlangga University, Henri Subiakto, said that the regulation on registration of Electronic System Operators (PSE) is needed in addition to the digital literacy skills of the community in the midst of the current digital era, Thursday, July 21. in a webinar entitled "Fighting Hoaxes with Digital Literacy for National Resilience" which was broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the Directorate General of IKP Kominfo, quoted on Friday, July 22. ," he said. The professor of communication science at Airlangga University said that the PSE registration regulation is part of digital sovereignty. "There is literacy, there is regulation, there is law enforcement, because this is related to digital souverenity or digital sovereignty that is owned," he said. This is because, he said, PSE registration regulations are aimed at protecting personal data, besides that many PSEs are global platforms that can collect data. personal data that is dynamic and specific, such as communication patterns to digital economy patterns.
He also mentioned that disinformation and fake news if left unchecked can disrupt national security, so regulation and supervision of PSE are needed. "We cannot leave the name of democracy and communication justice to global platforms," he said. in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 11/2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (UU ITE) and article 6 of Government Regulation Number 71/2019 concerning the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions.