Palangka Raya Strictly Supervises The Implementation Of Prokes In PTM Schools 100 Percent

JAKARTA - The Office of the Ministry of Religion in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, has increased the supervision of the implementation of health protocols (prokes) in the implementation of face-to-face education (PTM) 100 percent.

"In the 2022/2023 academic year, all schools under the guidance of the Office of the Ministry of Religion of Palangka Raya City have been allowed to carry out 100 percent PTM. Along with that we are also increasing the supervision of the implementation of health care programs in schools," said Head of Madrasah Education Office of the Ministry of Religion Palangka Raya Supiani in Palangka Raya, Friday 22 July.

According to him, such monitoring efforts are carried out through routine meetings in stages, starting from internal schools to reporting on the progress of learning implementation to the "City Beautiful" Ministry of Religion Office as the coach.

"We always emphasize to school principals that the application of health protocols must continue to be carried out within the education unit. Using masks in every activity must be carried out by all school residents, from school principals, teachers, education staff to students," he said quoted from Antara.

In addition, supporting facilities such as hand washing facilities with soap and hand sanitizer must also be available. Its placement is also in a strategic location and easy to reach.

In fact, he continued, for school residents who are not in good health, they are obliged to take treatment and if they are medically declared sick, they must rest until their health condition returns.

"We provide concessions, but we still provide rights and obligations. For example, students are sick and cannot go to school, then the person concerned still has the right to study at home," he said.

Don't let, he continued, the relaxation of activities provided by the government actually makes you neglect to implement health protocols. Vigilance and anticipation in the spread of COVID-19 is one of the best ways to make education successful.

Meanwhile, based on data from the local Ministry of Religion, the number of public schools under the supervision of the Office of the Ministry of Religion of the City of Palangka Raya consists of 30 Raudhatul Athfal (RA), five Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), two Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), and one Madrasah Aliyah (MA).

The number of students at each school level, namely the RA level is 713 students, MI is 15,540 students, MTs is 3,277 students, and MA is 1,563 students.

"We also hope that parents play a role in the success of education. One of them is by always assisting students in learning and ensuring that the progress is maintained," he said.