The Importance Of Education And Security In Crypto Investing To Encourage Investor Penetration In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The popularity of crypto asset investment is increasing and attracting investors. Behind the high interest in investment, there are several supporting factors that play a role, including crypto asset traders, the government, to investors.

These various factors are expected to make investing in crypto assets easier and safer. Discussing more about investing in crypto assets in Indonesia, PINTU gave his views on the Leaders Corner event entitled "The Future of Crypto Investment in Indonesia" which was hosted by Frida Lidwina with PINTU's Chief Marketing Officer Timothius Martin.

"There are two things when we talk about the future of Indonesia's crypto investment, namely in terms of the market and user behavior. countries with high levels of financial literacy, such as Singapore, have reached 20 percent," said Timothius in his statement, Friday, July 22.

Based on data released by the Finder Cryptocurrency Adoption Index, it is stated that public crypto asset ownership in Singapore reaches 21.9 percent. Still according to these data, in terms of ownership of crypto assets, Singapore is superior to Australia and Indonesia.

"In the next 4-5 years we predict the number of crypto investors in Indonesia can reach 50 million investors. This can be realized because we see changes in user behavior. In the last few years before the skyrocketing popularity of crypto most users just joined in without We have sufficient information, but now we see that investors are wiser in making investment decisions and are more selective in choosing the assets to invest in," he explained.

"This change in user behavior is supported by a lot of information that can be accessed by investors through social media and news portals. Furthermore, the role of the government through CoFTRA is to provide protection through regulations and policies issued for investors and traders of crypto assets," added Timo.

Timo added, PINTU as a crypto asset trader officially registered with CoFTRA and supervised by Kominfo, is committed to accelerating crypto education and adoption through innovative features that prioritize security.

"In addition to providing an easy crypto investment experience, PINTU has a high standard of security as a commitment to provide a sense of security for investors. All crypto assets owned by investors in the PINTU application are fully managed by PINTU and stored in a secure custodian wallet. PINTU users can freely withdraw asset balances instantly, anytime and anywhere," he said.

Crypto investors in Indonesia continue to grow. Based on data from CoFTRA, crypto investors in Indonesia as of June 2022 have reached 14.6 million investors. There was an increase of 2.2 million investors in the span of five months of which new crypto investors reached 12.4 million.

"The journey of PINTU being present in Indonesia provides access and convenience for crypto investment in Indonesia, which has only been running for two years, but during that time we were able to be trusted by more than 5 million users who made the PINTU application an entry point in accessing global financial assets, namely cryptocurrency. We believe that crypto investment in Indonesia has a very good future in line with the synergy that has been carried out by all stakeholders who have had a positive impact on the progress of the crypto industry in Indonesia," concluded Timo.