Access To Paksi Petamburan III Is Still Closed, Task Force Sympathizers Rizieq Shihab Is Still On Guard

JAKARTA - The atmosphere of Gang Paksi, Petamburan Sub-district, Tanah Abang Sub-district, Central Jakarta, seemed deserted from Rizieq Shihab's sympathizers on Wednesday, July 20, late in the evening.

From the entrance to Gang Paksi, only a few task force sympathizers of Rizieq can be seen wearing all-white clothing attributes who are guarding. They made a blockade by blocking the entrance to the alley.

In addition, a banner measuring 50cm x 30cm was installed in front of Gang Paksi. The banner reads "No documenting in any form in this area except for the LIP official team only".

From VOI's monitoring, there was no visible guard from uniformed officers on Jalan Petamburan on Wednesday afternoon. It's just that some of the downstream task forces changed across Jalan Petamburan.

When confirmed by VOI, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Gunarto said the police had been on guard since Wednesday, July 20, morning.

"It's been this morning. It's still closed, it's still a closed item, I mean. We'll coordinate again later," he briefly told VOI.

Previously, it was reported that hundreds of sympathizers of Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS) began to crowd Jalan Petamburan III, precisely in Gang Paksi, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 20, morning.

The arrival of these sympathizers is in order to welcome the former leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) who has completed his prison term and was declared free from the Bareskrim State Detention Center (Rutan) on Wednesday 20 July 2022.

Rizieq officially left the Police Criminal Investigation Unit at 06.45 WIB.

Then Rizieq Shihab visited the residence of the Secretary of the Alumni Brotherhood Syuro Council (PA 212) Slamet Ma'arif in Petamburan III, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.

According to Slamet Ma'arif, the arrival of Habib Rizieq Shihab to his residence was part of the relationship, while letting go of his longing for his comrades in arms.

"Thank God he is healthy, this was also conveyed to his family, lawyers, and to all those who prayed for him," said Slamet, Wednesday, July 20.