Conditional Free, Rizieq Shihab Says Thank You To These Parties

JAKARTA - Former Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab was released on parole from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police on Wednesday, July 20. Rizieq must report and follow the guidance of the Central Jakarta Penitentiary (Bapas) while undergoing a parole program before being released pure next year. July 20, 2022 by participating in the parole program in accordance with applicable legal provisions," said the Habib Rizieq Syihab Aziz Yanuar Advocacy Team in an official statement, Wednesday, July 20.

Based on the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4471K/Pid.Sus/2021 dated November 15, 2021 which has permanent legal force, Rizieq Syihab has served his criminal period as stated in the decision.

"For this crime, Habib Rizieq Syihab has served 2/3 of the prison term. So he is entitled to participate in the parole program in accordance with applicable legal provisions," said Aziz.

Through his legal team, Rizieq Syihab expressed his gratitude to those who had helped in the series of legal processes against him until he returned to society and the people.

"We express our gratitude and highest appreciation to the Director General of Corrections at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Head of Cipinang Prison, Head of Central Jakarta Prisons, Head of Tahti Police Headquarters, Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, and all parties who helped," said Rizieq.