Khofifah Visits The East Java Pavilion At TMII, Ensures The Provincial Government Renovates To Support The G20 Summit

SURABAYA - The Provincial Government will renovate the condition of the East Java Pavilion at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah in Jakarta as an effort to support the implementation of the G20 Summit.

"The East Java Pavilion is beautified and its content is strengthened at TMII," said East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 19.

Khofifah was in Jakarta to review TMII as well as hold a limited coordination meeting with several heads of OPD related to discussing the renovation of the platform.

Improvements will be accelerated in line with the extensive renovation carried out by the Central Government in the TMII area, and is expected to be completed before the G20 Summit in October 2022.

In addition, this effort also followed up on the direction of the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian who asked regional heads to renovate their respective regional platforms at TMII.

Governor Khofifah inspected the buildings on the bridge one by one, starting with the replica of the Penataran Temple at the front entrance.

In addition, Khofifah also reviewed the typical district/city buildings in East Java, such as the Pacitan traditional kitchen house, Situbondo traditional house, Sumenep traditional house, Bangkalan traditional house, Ponorogo hall, gig house, art stage building, and joglo.

After reviewing, Khofifah provided a number of notes for improvement, both physical improvements and the content displayed on the East Java Pavilion.

Khofifah wants to maximize the attractiveness and potential of each district/city in East Java.

"From the results of the Minister of Home Affairs' review to the platforms at TMII on July 17, East Java is actually in the category of minor repairs. However, we will maximize especially in raising the potential of districts / cities in East Java for Trade, Tourism and Investment (TTI)," he said. .

Improvements at several points, said Khofifah, will also be supported by the digitization of information and technology, such as displaying tourism and cultural content in artificial intelligence formats.

The hope is that visitors can enjoy it even though they have not visited the location directly.

"So this digitization process must be maximized, especially those that can display information on East Java TTI," said the general chairman of PP Muslimat NU.

In addition, Governor Khofifah will also invite regents/mayors throughout East Java to display their superiority at the East Java Pavilion at TMII, starting with art performances, product exhibitions and excellent potential.

"Actually, it has often been used for cultural promotions, cultural arts performances, exhibitions of superior regional economic products to seminars and workshops. However, this potential will still be maximized," he said.

"We hope that when the G20 delegates come and see the potential of East Java, they will be interested in investing," continued Khofifah.