Ombudsman: Even Though There Is Maladministration, The Appointed Regional Officials Are Still Valid

JAKARTA - RI Ombudsman member Robert Na Endi Jaweng said the status of the acting regional head who had been appointed by the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) remained valid, although three forms of maladministration were found in the appointment. legal," Robert said at a press conference at the RI Ombudsman Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, July 19. He conveyed that the findings of malaadministration were not to determine whether or not the status of an acting regional head was legal, but rather a manifestation of the Ombudsman's efforts to prevent various damages, violations, or other maladministration. with regard to the appointment of regional heads. Robert said that the Ministry of Home Affairs could prevent other maladministration by carrying out three suggestions for corrective actions from the Ombudsman. Previously, Robert said that the Indonesian Ombudsman found three forms of maladministration in the appointment of acting regional heads by the Ministry of Home Affairs. This is a follow-up to a report by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) consisting of KontraS, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), and Needdem to the Ombudsman regarding allegations of maladaptation in the appointment and appointment of acting regional heads by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The first concerns the protracted delay in responding to requests for information and complaints from the complainant.

Second, there are procedural irregularities in the appointment of acting regional heads, such as the appointment of active TNI/Polri elements. Furthermore, the third, the Ministry of Home Affairs is considered to have ignored legal obligations to the decisions of the Constitutional Court Number 67/PUU-XIX/2021 and Number 15/PUU-XX/2022 concerning the Making of Implementing Rules Regarding the Appointment of Acting Regional Heads. On the findings of maladaptation, the Ombudsman suggested three corrective actions that the Ministry of Home Affairs could take. First, the Ministry of Home Affairs needed to follow up on the complaint letter and the substance of the objection from the reporting party. Furthermore, the Ministry of Home Affairs needs to improve the appointment of acting regional heads from elements of active TNI soldiers. Third, the Ministry of Home Affairs is advised to prepare a proposal for the formation of government regulations related to the appointment, scope of authority, performance evaluation, and dismissal of acting regional heads. It's still legal, but the damage that occurs during future appointments becomes the ombudsman's point. Don't let this happen in the next round," Robert said. , at the Indonesian Ombudsman's Office, Tuesday morning. The Ombudsman provides an opportunity for 30 days for the Ministry of Home Affairs to follow up on these recommendations.