A Ship In Halmahera Lost Its Way, 40 Passengers Still Not Found

TERNATE - The Ternate Basarnas Search and Rescue Office, North Maluku (Malut) conducted a search for a fast boat carrying 40 passengers who had lost their way in the waters of Makian Island, South Halmahera Regency, Monday, due to bad weather. Juli said that at around 16.45 WIT, a fast boat, Kie Besi, with 40 passengers on the Gita Islam-Makian Island route, lost its way due to bad weather in the waters of Makian Island, South Halmahera Regency. The Ternate Basarnas Rescue using KN SAR 237 Pandudewanata moved to the estimated travel route point to carry out the search. The distance from Ternate to the last known position (LKP) is about 25 Nm. Fathur also appealed to the public to always be careful when doing activities at sea, especially in the waters of North Maluku. to travel and not to force to sail if the weather conditions are not good. The Ternate City Office of Harbor Masters and Port Authority (KSOP) temporarily suspended all shipping activities in various inter-island areas, following bad weather conditions, especially in Ternate waters and various areas in North Maluku.

Head of KSOP Class II Ternate Port, Agustinus, stated that all shipping activities on Monday were postponed due to bad weather conditions accompanied by strong winds, thus endangering safety while sailing. His party has issued a letter numbered: UM.003/II/14/KSOP.TTE-2022 related with the delay of all shipping activities due to bad weather. He said the delay of all shipping activities was to anticipate the occurrence of casualties and property at sea. The postponement of all voyages, starting from local passenger ships, ferries, pioneers, landing craft tanks, SPOB and people's ships for the Ternate-Dama-Morotai-Bacan route, Obi Island, Sanana, Batang Dua to North Sulawesi Province, namely Ternate-Bitung and Ternate -Manado. BMKG Weather Forecaster Sultan Baabullah Ternate Dewi Makhrantika stated that generally all areas in North Maluku are cloudy with the potential for light-moderate rain in Patani, Weda, Buli, Maba, Galela, Kao, Tobelo, Morotai, Sanana, Mangole, Taliabu and surrounding areas.