Adian Napitupulu: President Didn't Offer Me Ministerial Position

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo invited 98 activists who are members of the National Association of 98 Activists (PENA 98) to the Jakarta Presidential Palace.

According to information from 98 activist and PDI-P politician Adian Napitupulu, the meeting was attended by him and three other activists, namely Mustar Bona Ventura, Fendy Mugni and Musyafaur Rahman.

However, Adian denied that he was offered the post of minister by President Jokowi. Because he said, the President knew he needed a flexible political space, namely the DPR RI.

"The president did not offer me the post of minister," said Adian when confirmed, Friday, July 15.

Adian emphasized that there was no addition to the minister's position in the meeting. He admitted that he only conveyed about the land conflict between the community and the company which was suspected of having mafia involvement to President Jokowi.

"I'm just talking about the land case by including some examples of people's conflicts with companies," said Adian.

"Including SOEs like what happened in Cibubur, between the people and PP Properti, where there is a possibility of involvement of the land mafia," he continued.