LBH Bandar Lampung Requests Child Detainee Death Case To Be Completely Investigated

BANDAR LAMPUNG - The Bandarlampung Legal Aid Institute (LBH) has asked the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) to investigate the case of child deaths in conflict with the law (ABH) at the Class II A Children's Special Guidance Institute (LPKA) in Lampung.

"We see that the incident that happened to RF (17) who died because he was suspected of being abused by fellow ABHs at LPKA set a bad precedent for child protection, both child victims and ABHs, especially in Lampung Province," said Director of LBH Bandar Lampung, Sumaindra Jarwadi, as quoted by ANTARA. , Thursday, July 14th.

According to him, LPKA, which should be a place of guidance for correctional students who prioritize the interests and rights of children, has actually been tarnished by this incident.

"From the data obtained from the RF family, there are allegations of abuse experienced by the victim with several bruises on the hands, feet and head as well as suspected burns such as cigarette burns," he said.

According to him, the family who has authorized the case of RF's death in LPKA to LBH Bandarlampung asked the Minister of Law and Human Rights to be responsible for thoroughly investigating the issue and evaluating the Class IIA Lampung LPKA which has the task of fostering correctional students.

"The RF family has empowered us to seek justice in this incident," he said.

Sumaindra said, LBH Bandarlampung together with the victim's family will also file a complaint with KPAI and Komnas HAM to help uncover the issue, so that in the future there will be no more incidents like this or any other RF.

"The family has also reported the case of RF's death to the Lampung Police on Tuesday (12/7) with Police Report Number: STTLP/B/739/VII/2022/SPKT/POLDALAMPUNG dated July 12, 2022," he said.