World Bank Says Indonesia Is Able To Keep The Economy At 5 Percent

JAKARTA - The World Bank delegation stated that Indonesia is a country that is able to maintain economic stability with a growth rate of around 5 percent.

This was conveyed when President Joko Widodo received the World Bank delegation at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Thursday.

In this activity, President Joko Widodo was accompanied by the Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa.

The delegates who attended were Axel van Trotsenburg as Managing Director of Operations, Manuela V. Ferro as Regional Vice President East Asia and Pacific, and Satu Kahkonen as Country Director of Indonesia and Timor-Leste.

"Hopefully it can reach above 5 percent this year and we have proven that in at least the first semester it may be close to above 5.1 percent," said Suharso as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 14.

Suharso explained, among countries that are facing difficult situations, the World Bank gives a positive assessment of Indonesia's current economic development.

The World Bank, said Suharso, congratulated Indonesia on chairing Indonesia in the G20.

The World Bank delegation also puts a lot of hope in Indonesia at this time's G20 Chair.

Furthermore, the World Bank also advised Indonesia to boost its economic growth from other sources, such as from exports. Regarding exports, the World Bank views the need for structural reforms that can reduce tariff barriers.

"So if the tariff barriers can be reduced, Indonesia will have other sources of growth besides the investment that has already been made," said Suharso.

The World Bank also stated its commitment to support Indonesia in terms of food security and energy transition, including praising Indonesia for preparing a road map for a green economy going forward.

The World Bank is also committed to supporting financing in the energy, blue economy, food security, mangrove sector and climate change of around US$1.6 billion.