There Will Be A Special Committee For Change Of Street Names, DPRD: Now There Are Many Problems, If You Add Roads, Add More Problems

JAKARTA - Member of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Gembong Warsono, explained the reason for his party proposing the formation of a special committee (pansus) to change 22 street names in Jakarta by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan.

As regulated in PP Number 12 of 2018, a special committee was formed in a plenary meeting at the suggestion of DPRD members. Members of the Special Committee are made up of at most 25 members, consisting of members of the relevant commissions proposed by each faction.

Gembong said that the special committee's proposal stemmed from several complaints from affected residents who refused to change the name of the road. Meanwhile, Anies intends to increase the number of roads whose names will be changed.

"Of the 22 roads, it turns out that there are many problems in the field. If you add more, it means that there will be more problems," said Gembong when contacted, Thursday, July 14.

Currently, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has indeed tried to pick up the ball for residents to take care of changes to population documents such as ID cards and family cards for residents affected by the change in street names.

Based on data from the Dukcapil Office, currently the DKI Provincial Government has adjusted for address changes in 80.89 percent and KK as much as 96.39 percent. However, it turns out that there is still resistance from residents, such as in Tanah Tinggi, Central Jakarta, and Bambu Apus, East Jakarta.

"Even if the ball was picked up, they didn't want it. For example, the kelurahan in East Jakarta, of the 700, only 27 were handed over because the rest they didn't want a name change," said Gembong.

Therefore, the special committee that will be formed by the DPRD will explore the problems that arise as a result of changing the name of the street to the name of the Betawi figure.

This deepening is in the form of a comprehensive discussion with the relevant regional work units (SKPD), the police, and the DKI Jakarta National Land Agency (BPN). Gembong also opened the opportunity for the special committee to discuss this polemic with residents who refused. After that, the special committee will issue a recommendation to the DKI Provincial Government.

"So, so that in the future there will be no problems, we will form a special committee. This special committee is to solve the problem. It could be that the recommendations later reach the cancellation of the road name change. But we haven't reached that point yet. The basic principle is not to burden the community," he explained.