Bantul Establishes Class D Hospital At The COVID-19 Special Field Hospital

BANTUL - The Bantul District Health Office, DI Yogyakarta, established a class D hospital in a building that was previously used as the Bambanglipuro COVID-19 Special Field Hospital to provide a wider range of health services to the community in moderate cases. Bantul, Wednesday, July 13, said that previously in Bantul Regency there was only a class B hospital, namely RSUD Panembahan Senopati, which in providing services to patients with health insurance in stages starting from first-level health facilities. "To increase service coverage that can reach the community We need to build a class D hospital so that all people have access, we chose the Bambanglipuro COVID-19 Field Hospital to be placed in class D so that it can bridge the community who need services," he said, quoted by Antara. become a D class hospital with The name "Saras Adyatma" was officially inaugurated by the Regent of Bantul, Abdul Halim Muslih, to coincide with the inauguration of the new building of the Banguntapan III Health Center on Wednesday, July 13. Thus, he said, Bantul Regency now has two government hospitals, namely class D and class B. So far, said Agus, class D and class C hospitals are privately owned, whose existence is almost evenly distributed throughout Bantul.

"The name of the hospital means that the service is not like a Puskesmas, the Puskesmas is the first health service at the bottom, then if the more severe cases are in the hospital, and it is tiered, there are class D, class C, class B, and class hospitals. A," he said. He hoped that with the class D hospital, patients who could not be treated at the Puskesmas could be served without having to go directly to Panembahan Senopati Hospital, even to Sardjito Hospital in Yogyakarta. "So we must also prepare health services in stages, if it is necessary to be referred enough in class D, it can be handled properly, and can be cured enough in class D," he said. before becoming the COVID-19 Field Hospital because the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. use it as a COVID-19 Field Hospital while waiting for regulatory processes and others for us to make it a class D hospital, now we have, so that's what we use for the community," he said.