Wants To Provide Protection For Cases Of Sexual Harassment, LPSK Has Not Been Able To Meet The Wife Of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo

JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) is offering protection to the wife of the Propam Head of Division who is suspected of being a victim of sexual harassment in the shooting at the official house of the Propam Head of Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo at the Duren Tiga Police Complex, Pancoran, South Jakarta on Friday, July 8. .

In the case of the shooting at the Propam Kadiv official house, the wife of the Propam Kadiv Inspector General Ferdy Sambo made a police report at the South Jakarta Metro Police, in 2 cases, namely sexual harassment and threats that were allegedly carried out by Brigadier J.

However, until now, the wife of the Head of the Propam Division has not been willing to be met by the LPSK team after the incident. However, LPSK admits that it is ready to provide psychological protection to the wife of the Head of the Propam Division as long as the legal process is still ongoing.

According to the spokesperson for LPSK, Rully Novian, LPSK is also willing to provide protection if there are other witnesses besides the wife of the Head of the Propam Division and Bharada E. LPSK will process the application for protection if the case is already in the investigation process.

"So since Tuesday, LPSK has coordinated with the South Jakarta Police. The LPSK has offered pro-active measures to protect victims who have experienced incidents of sexual violence, they have the right and obligation to get psychological protection," he told reporters, Wednesday, July 13.

Rully further said that LPSK supports the legal process being handled. The victim will provide information by the investigator and the LPSK can accompany the victim in the examination stage.

For that, he continued, LPSK asked for help from investigators to inform if there were witnesses and victims to be submitted so that LPSK could assist.

"Hopefully LPSK can support and assist the legal process so that it is clear and open. We have not been able to contact the victim directly and we ask investigators for help, if there is further information LPSK can meet the victim and hopefully can give rights to the victim," he explained.

Previously, it was reported that on Friday, July 8 at around 17.00 WIB, Brigadier Nopryansah Josua Hutabarat was found dead covered in blood near the stairs at the house of the Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, in Duren Tiga.

"When we carried out the TKP, we found someone lying covered in blood near the stairs going up to the exact direction of entering the bathroom under the stairs," said South Jakarta Police Chief, Kombes Pol Budhi Herdi Susianto at a press conference at the Police Headquarters. South Jakarta, Tuesday 12 July.