Pontianak Threatens Fines For Park Visitors Who Dispose Of Garbage Carefully

PONTIANAK - The Mayor of Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Edi Rusdi Kamtono has threatened fines for park visitors who litter in the city to provide a deterrent effect.

"I will form a socialization team for them (the public) to be orderly in maintaining environmental safety and cleanliness as well as ethics," said Edi Rusdi Kamtono as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 11.

He explained that the existence of parks in Pontianak City is intended as a space for community interaction, as well as green open spaces and family recreation facilities.

However, he is concerned that there are still many visitors who litter in parks, such as at the Untan Bike Park, especially on weekends, leaving a stretch of garbage strewn across the field.

Therefore, his party will form a socialization team that will urge park visitors to throw garbage in the trash cans that have been provided.

If there are still violations after socialization and announcements are made to visitors not to litter, repressive measures will be taken.

"For example, with fines, tipiring and so on in accordance with the regional regulation on public order," he emphasized.

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Edi added, should have provided a trash can there, they threw the trash in the trash can. Although visitors argue that the existing trash cans are full, that doesn't mean they let the trash scatter.

"It should still be thrown into the trash so that the officers can easily transport it and the garbage can't be seen strewn everywhere," he said.

The existence of the parks was originally part of the arrangement of green open spaces to remove the impression of slums. Along with the arrangement of the parks, many visitors began to arrive so that street vendors appeared, especially selling culinary. Then visitors buy snacks that are sold around the park area and are taken to the park, causing garbage.

"If that's the case, the scattered garbage will not make the garden more tidy but even slum," said Edi.

His party will evaluate the capacity of the existing trash bins at that location. If needed, more trash cans will be added. However, according to him, no matter how big the trash can is, if the behavior of littering is still carried out, the park will look slum.

"The most important thing is the awareness of visitors not to litter," he said.