Investigate Alleged Missing Bullets In Cilincing, Police Examine 15 Witnesses

JAKARTA - Police are still investigating the alleged stray bullet case that occurred in the Cilincing area of North Jakarta some time ago. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cilincing Police, AKP Alex Chandra, said 15 people had been questioned to determine where the projectiles had come from.

It is known that the stray bullet incident occurred in the Kalibaru area, Cilincing, North Jakarta, Sunday, July 3, at 23.00 WIB. There was one victim in that incident.

"We have 15 witnesses, we have taken each area including the RW (Rukun Warga). But we haven't found a bright spot. No one has heard the sound of the explosion yet," said Alex when contacted by VOI, Monday, July 11.

Alex said that his party was also working with the Inafis Police Headquarters Team. To reveal the origin of the projectile.

"Yes, we are working with the Inafis team to reveal the projectiles," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that the alleged incident of bullets targeting a resident's house hit a victim named Nurhasanah (26).

The Head of Criminal Investigation at the Cilincing Police, AKP Alex Chandra, explained that the incident occurred while the victim was relaxing in front of his room on the 2nd floor. Suddenly, the sound of a lamp breaking was heard. The shard of the bulb hit the victim's leg.