Jokowi Will Propose A Substitute For Lili Pintauli Siregar From Previously Unelected KPK Leadership Candidates, These Are The Voting Results In The 2019 DPR

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Lili Pintauli Siregar, has submitted his resignation. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has also signed a presidential decree on the dismissal of Lili Pintauli Siregar.

Based on Article 33 of Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Article 33 concerning the President proposes a candidate to replace the leadership of the KPK.

(1) In the event of a vacancy in the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission, the President of the Republic of Indonesia shall propose a candidate for a replacement member to the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia.

While Article 33 paragraph 2 contains provisions, replacement members are chosen from candidates for the leadership of the KPK who were not elected in the DPR.

The following is the full text of Article 33 paragraph 2:

The replacement members as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be selected from the candidates for the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission who were not elected in the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia as long as they still meet the requirements as stipulated in Article 29.

Flashback of the Election of KPK Leaders in the DPR

Commission III of the DPR previously selected five commissioners through a voting mechanism which was attended by 56 members of Commission III of the DPR.

On Thursday, September 12, 2019, after testing the candidates for the leadership of the KPK, the then Chairman of Commission III of the DPR, Azis Syamsuddin, decided the five candidates were elected. They are Firli Bahuri who won 56 votes.

Followed by Alexander Marwata (53), Nurul Gufron (51), Nawawi Pamolongo (50), and Lili Pantauli Siregar (44). Firli, who is a former Deputy for Enforcement of the KPK, won the most votes.

"So can these five people be agreed?" asked the Chairman of Commission III at the time, Azis Syamsudin in a plenary meeting which was then greeted with approval by all members of Commission III, quoted from the website

After voting, the meeting was suspended for five minutes, to determine the head of the anti-corruption agency. Based on the agreement of all factions in the DPR, Commission III finally agreed to choose Firli Bahuri as the new KPK Chair for the 2019-2023 period.

"Based on the discussion, the deliberation of all representatives of the factions present agreed to serve as Chair of the KPK for the 2019-2023 term as chairman, Firli Bahuri's brother," said Azis.

KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata was also re-elected for the next five-year period. Doia is the only KPK leader to be re-elected. After voting, the five elected commissioners signed their commitments with Commission III on sealed paper. This has never happened before after the election of KPK commissioners.

While the other five candidates who were not elected were Sigit Danang Joyo (19), I Nyoman Wara (0), Johanis Tanak (0), Roby Arya (0), and Luthfi Jayadi Kurniawan (7).