Erick Thohir Stimulates Not Giving Space To Corruption Actors In The Body Of A Red Plate Company

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir emphasized that he would not tolerate any form of indication of fraud that could potentially harm the state.

Erick said the ministry under his leadership did not provide space for perpetrators of corruption.

According to him, the Ministry of SOEs will be transparent. In fact, several corruption cases within state-owned companies have also been revealed.

However, Erick admitted that he could not only be alone in preventing corruption.

"This of course requires support from various parties, one of which is the BPK (Financial Audit Agency," he said in a written statement, Friday, July 8.

For your information, the BPK team has conducted an inspection or audit of support for the Government Investment Budget (BA).

In addition, the BA audit of government subsidy management (BA 999.07) as support for the Central Government Financial Report (LKPP) for Fiscal Year 2021 which received WTP opinions.

Meanwhile, BA 999.03 is a financial report on the implementation of government investment in state companies, including the implementation of PMN and IP PEN.

"Alhamdulillah, of course, there are many things that we have collaborated with BPK. Yesterday, the results of their audit (BPK) were very responsive and that indeed, healthy SOEs were needed to maintain the balance of the country's economy," he said.

For this reason, said Erick, balance and cooperation with BPK are prioritized to ensure that SOE programs touch the grassroots.

"This balance also ensures that the people's economy in SOEs can run in balance," he said.