Rp2.7 Billion Customer Money Suddenly Disappears Allegedly Foreign Citizen Crime, Bank Of North Sumatra Reports To Police

MEDAN - Money amounting to Rp 2.7 billion belonging to a customer allegedly disappeared at Bank Sumut. Allegedly, the skimming was carried out by foreigners in Medan.

Therefore, the Bank of North Sumatra reported it to the North Sumatra Police. The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, said that his party had received the report from the Bank of North Sumatra. The report is currently being investigated.

"It's true, we have received the report and are currently investigating it," said Kombes Hadi, Wednesday, July 6.

Kombes Hadi said that currently the Bank of North Sumatra is providing information regarding the loss of customer money of Rp. 2.7 billion.

"Currently, the North Sumatran Bank is providing information to the North Sumatra Police Crime Investigation Unit investigators," he continued.

Previously, the Bank of North Sumatra revealed that tens of customers' money worth Rp. 2.7 billion had disappeared due to skimming.

"We, the ranks of PT Bank Sumut, admit that it is true that the funds were stolen by the perpetrators as a skimming mode, a device installed in an ATM machine," said Bank Sumut President Director Rahmat Fadillah Pohan.

The skimming crime was revealed after seeing evidence of surveillance camera (CCTV) footage on an ATM machine in a supermarket in Medan Johor District.

He said, most likely the skimming perpetrators are foreign nationals. From the surveillance camera footage, the perpetrator looks Russian and Middle Eastern.

In that action, the perpetrators managed to steal Rp 2.7 billion from 83 North Sumatran Bank customers.