Whatever The Reason, The Funds Managed By ACT Are Not For Personal Use

JAKARTA - The chairman of Commission VIII of the DPR Yandri Susanto asked the law enforcement officers in the Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) who commit misappropriation of public funds to be punished.

According to Yandri, misappropriation of social funds, regardless of the amount, must be dealt with. The reason is that the funds are for social activities and helping those who are affected by disasters, not for personal interests.

"Anything that is misused, in my opinion, must be dealt with and audited," said Yandri, quoted from the parliament's official website, Wednesday, July 6.

According to the PAN politician, sanctions and firm actions are needed to restore public confidence in institutions that collect charitable funds and humanitarian aid. In addition, Yandri also asked the government to control groups that collect public funds.

"If necessary, a Philanthropy Foundation Supervision Commission is formed or whatever it's called, so that there is a forum or there is a way for people to complain or there are foundations that deviate can be dealt with," said Yandri.

Similarly, Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI Ace Hasan Syadzily asked that the case of misappropriation of donation funds carried out by ACT be dealt with immediately. He requested that ACT be audited and reported to the public. He hopes that this case will become an evaluation and information for the public to sort and choose philanthropic institutions when they will donate assets.

"The ACT case must be disclosed to the public. So that the community and its donors know what the funds are used for," said Ace.

He also emphasized that the collection of funds from the community and on behalf of the public must be managed transparently and openly. Included in the management of operational costs management in it.

"The issue of collecting funds from the public for humanity or in the name of religious activities must of course be managed transparently and openly. Reports must be submitted to the public periodically on the use of finance, including the operational costs of its management," explained the Golkar Party politician.

Ace has even confirmed the organizational identity of ACT to Baznas and as a result, ACT is not included in the Amil Zakat Institutions (LAZ) group, so it is not allowed to collect zakat, infaq, and shodaqoh.

"Shouldn't be collecting Zakat, Infaq and Shodaqoh. If they collect funds from the community on behalf of ZIS, of course they must report it to BAZNAS," explained Ace.