Had Subsided, The South Main Line Of Cianjur Was Now Passable

CIANJUR - The main route south of Cianjur, West Java, which collapsed recently, can now be retraced by vehicles from two directions. The sinking point is precisely on Jalan Raya Tanggeung-Sukanagara.

The head of the Tanggeung Police, AKP Deden, said that only large vehicles were allowed to be unloaded.

"It's been two days since the route that has been closed since it collapsed two weeks ago, vehicles can now pass even though they take turns. Trucks are also allowed, but they don't carry cargo. If they carry cargo, they are directed to alternative routes," he said when contacted Monday, 4 July.

He explained that the reopening of the main route connecting Cianjur to the southern region or vice versa, will make the economy gradually recover.

The supply of basic needs and other economic activities, he said, returned to normal after being hampered because the route had to be detoured.

The West Java Province PUPR UPTD official, Bubun Bunyamin, added that the process of constructing a new road foundation that collapsed on the Tanggeung-Sukanagara road section is almost 50 percent complete and is targeted to be completed before the sacrificial festival.

"The handling of the collapsed road in Tanggeung continues and it is hoped that it can be passed normally from both directions in the next few days. Currently, a one-way alternate system has been carried out, joint officers assisted by residents are involved in regulating the flow," he said in Cianjur, as reported by Antara.

Until the second week, he said, his party was still working on the two points of the collapsed road on the southern main route, precisely on Jalan Raya Cibinong and Sindangbarang, with the hope that repairs would be completed soon to support residents' activities.

"Hopefully it can be completed before the activities of residents, especially homecomers, increase next week. We are trying to repair the collapsed nets at three points, at least they can be passed from both directions when the traffic flow is heavy ahead of the sacrificial festival," he said.