Loan Customers Are Increasingly Spreading In Southeast Sulawesi, OJK Records For One Year 522 Lending Entities Appear

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) of Southeast Sulawesi (Sulteng) recorded the accumulation of loan accounts of residents in the province who were registered to owe or make credit in online loans (pinjol) as many as 173,234.

Head of the Supervision Section of the Southeast Sulawesi OJK Financial Services Institution, Maulana Yusuf in Kendari, Sunday, July 3, said the number of Southeast Sulawesi people who borrowed through online loans (borrowers) experienced an increasing trend from January to April 2022.

"In Southeast Sulawesi, those who make online loans compared to last year's position in April 2022 increased, as of April 2022 as many as 173,234 people or an increase of 53.66 percent compared to the same period in 2021," he said.

He conveyed that the number of lenders (lenders) as many as 2,288 entities increased by 522 or increased by 29.56 percent compared to April last year as many as 1,766 entities.

Meanwhile, in terms of the number of transactions, the number of transactions also showed a significant increase, consisting of 15,988 lender transactions or an increase of 41.8 percent and 901,972 borrower transactions or an increase of 81.76 percent with an outstanding loan amount of Rp122 billion.

He detailed that in January 2022, the accumulation of online loan accounts for Southeast Sulawesi residents was 156,643, then in February 2022 it increased to 161,752, and rose again in March 2022 which was recorded at 167,550 until April as much as 173,234.

He hopes that by seeing this significant increase, his party asks all people in Southeast Sulawesi to be more careful and alert to illegal online loans.

OJK mentions that the characteristics of unregistered or licensed online loans include asking for access to personal data such as contacts, photos, videos, locations and a number of other personal data that are used to terrorize borrowers who have problems with their payments.

Other characteristics of illegal online loans are that they are not registered, very high loan interest rates of 1-4 percent per day can even reach 40 percent of the total loan, the office or complaint center is not available, the period is not in accordance with the initial agreement, until arbitrary billing.

OJK said that during April 2022 the Investment Alert Task Force again found seven entities offering investment offers without a permit and 100 illegal online loans.

"Until now, although it has increased, there have been no complaints from the people of Southeast Sulawesi, meaning that people are now smarter in making loans to legal loans," he said.