China's Tech Manufacturing Reaches 12 Quadrillion In Just Five Months

JAKARTA – China has grown rapidly to become one of the world's technological centers of development. Even China's information and communication technology manufacturing sector has managed to reap revenues of up to 5.66 trillion yuan or around Rp. 12.46 quadrillion during the January-May 2022 period.

When compared with the January-May 2021 period, there was an increase of 7.4 percent, according to data from the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) in Beijing, Saturday, July 2.

Profits derived from the sector amounted to 257.8 billion yuan (Rp574 trillion), a slight increase of 0.2 percent compared to the five-month period last year. The growth of this sector remains stable.

According to Antara news, during those five months, this sector also provided added value of at least 20 million yuan (Rp 44.6 billion), an increase of 9.9 percent compared to the same period last year.

The sector's value added growth rate is 6.6 percent higher than the overall MIIT-listed industrial sector.